Flexible Grouping and Learning Stations SIA Course

Overview Information About This Course

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Professional Development Descrption

One of the most important ways to differentiate is through a blend of whole group and flexible group instruction that reinforces or extends the content of whole group lessons. Successful flexible grouping requires careful planning based on student needs and particular attention to keeping all students actively engaged in purposeful learning. Teachers will lean how to plan and manage flexible grouping to maximize learning for all students.

Professional Development Learning Goals

Participants will Learn the… Participants will Understand… Participants will Apply what they Learn to…
  • Purpose of Flexible Groups
  • Key Components of a Flexible Grouping Model
  • Purpose of using Learning Stations
Flexible grouping requires careful planning to ensure that all students are purposefully and actively engaged in meeting Learning Goals.
  • Use formative Assessment strategies to form purposeful small groups
  • Plan quality small group instruction
  • Plan differentiated Learning Station activities to engaged all students in meaningful learning

Flexible Grouping and Learning Stations prepare students to be successful with 21st Century Standards

The new generation of standards requires students to work collaboratively to share and generate ideas, use higher order thinking to independently solve problems, and to be self-directed learners. Flexible grouping give students opportunities to learn and practice these critical, lifelong skills.

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