Learning-Focused Lessons MicroPD Course 7: Activating Strategies

Previewing Vocabulary Copy

As part of the Activating Strategy, introducing and teaching the key vocabulary of the lesson using research-based vocabulary strategies is necessary for most students. Often the Activating Strategy will provide experiences that build a foundation for formally introducing the new vocabulary. For example, in a music class, before explicit instruction on the word “pitch,” students might experiment with using their voices to create high and low sounds. Sometimes the vocabulary instruction may be the entire Activating Strategy for the lesson.

Select key vocabulary to preview and teach in context by choosing words important to learning the concepts and skills, by selecting multiple meaning words that might confuse students, and by selecting words that will be useful in multiple contexts. After selecting the key vocabulary, choose a research-based strategy to preview the terms, such as a word map, word sort, multi-sensory experience, Frayer Model, or others. It is important that the Vocabulary Strategy is an activity that students do not conduct independently; you must demonstrate the strategy, conduct guided practice, and ensure that students are actively involved in learning the new vocabulary.

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