Planning Accelerated Lessons: Curriculum and Assessment Copy

Rigorous lessons start with clear goals. Based on standards, plan what you want students to know and be able to demonstrate by the end of the lesson. 

Planning Step 1: Plan the Lesson Curriculum

Learning Goals and Lesson Essential Question.

  • A. Select the standards that will be addressed in the lesson. Always include a writing standard.
  • B. Determine the specific goals for the lesson – what students will know and will able to do by the end of the lesson – and sequence them in the order that they will be taught. Ensure that the Learning Goals include a writing goal and a Higher Order Thinking or Reading Comprehension strategy. One or more Learning Goals should be Higher Order Thinking (Level 3 or 4 learning) and/or Reading Comprehension.
  • C. Turn the goals into the Lesson Essential Question that reflects the Higher Order Thinking or Reading Comprehension strategy.

Rigorous lessons use backward planning by determining the assessment that will give the evidence needed to determine if students have met the goals of the lesson.

Planning Step 2:  Plan the Lesson Assessment


  • Develop the Assignment for the lesson. Determine how students will apply their new learning to demonstrate their level of understanding of the Learning Goals, especially the Will Be Able To… (Do) goalsEnsure that the Assignment requires writing and application of a Higher Order Thinking strategy or Reading Comprehension strategy (as determined by the Learning Goals).
    • Differentiate: How will the Assignment be personalized to meet the needs of each student?
      • Determine specific students and specific differentiation:
        o Additional support and students who receive it?
        o Additional challenge and students who receive it?

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